Mycotoxins: Trichothecenes

LIBIOS offers you various high-quality solutions including consumables for the determination of trichothecenes used by analytical laboratories, industries and research institutes.

Trichothecenes are a group of secondary organisms produced by fusarium moulds. Trichothecenes are field mycotoxins, meaning that their development occurs when crops are subjected to temperature changes. Trichothecenes develop rather at low temperatures.

This fungus grows on cereal crops such as corn, triticale, wheat, rye, oats...

The most common of these mycotoxins is deoxynivalenol (DON), but this family also includes T-2, HT2 toxins, nivalenol, 3-acetyl-don, 15-acetyl-don, fusarenone X, diascetoxyscirpenol (DAS), neosolaniol.

The trichothecenes analysis is important because of their toxicity during chronic, acute or ingestion exposures and since they are thermostable mycotoxins. They are likely to be present in finished/processed products such as flour, bread and cakes.

In Europe, the maximum rates for DON and certain other contaminants in foodstuffs are laid down in Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 and its subsequent amendments.

Consult the EU regulation about mycotoxins.

Consult the international regulation according to mycotoxins and geographical areas

18 years

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